Avondale Neighborhood



What’s happening in Avondale?

If you’re interested in connecting with others in the Avondale neighborhood, here are some suggestions:

  • Follow the South Meridian Church of God Facebook page

  • Spend time in the neighborhood – walking, biking, playing basketball in the South parking lot, shopping businesses or using the laundromat.  Intentionally engage with people you meet.

  • Attend events or activities in the neighborhood:

  • Contact Cherilyn, Community Development Director, to connect.

We Love Avondale

South Meridian Church is thankful to be a neighbor in the Avondale neighborhood. Years ago, the congregation at that time decided to stay in this location instead of moving outside of Anderson city limits to build a new facility. With this decision came the opportunity to more deeply and intentionally connect with our neighbors.

Although the Covid-19 pandemic impacted all of us and the ways that we have gathered and connected with each other, we are grateful for this new season of opportunity to build good, healthy relationships within this neighborhood.

City of Anderson Neighborhood crime watch

We believe that when neighbors know each other and our local law enforcement team, we are all safer. To this end, we are happy to host a monthly Anderson Police Department Neighborhood Crime Watch.

Two monthly crime watch meetings are hosted in Avondale. Both are open to the public.

1st Thursday of each month, 6pm: South Meridian Church, 2402 Meridian St, Anderson, IN

Coordinator: Cherilyn Horning

2nd Monday of each month, 6pm: Central School Apartments, 2120 Central Ave, Anderson, IN

Coordinator: Glenda Williams